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7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm

  • Rating: 3.3
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 5.3
Gilyeat Family (Repeat)
  • Rating: 4
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 6.5
Art Isn't Easy (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2.3
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 3.5
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Animal Planet
Decoding Humpbacks

  • Rating: 5.5
  • Share: 11
  • Viewers: 8.2
with: Monique Coleman; Damien Fahey
  • Rating: 4.9
  • Share: 9
  • Viewers: 7.4
That Woman (Repeat)
  • Rating: 4.5
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 6.8
End of Watch (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.9
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 5.7
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In da Club (Repeat)
  • Rating: 0.6
  • Share: 1
  • Viewers: 0.9
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Everybody Hates Bad Boys (Repeat)
  • Rating: 0.8
  • Share: 1
  • Viewers: 1.2
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Wake at the Lake (Repeat)
  • Rating: 0.7
  • Share: 1
  • Viewers: 1
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The List Episode (Repeat)
  • Rating: 0.7
  • Share: 1
  • Viewers: 1
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find Out What It Means to William (Repeat)
  • Rating: 0.7
  • Share: 1
  • Viewers: 1
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Credit Check
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Food Network

Into the Studio

The Anniversary Party (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 2.5
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Performance Anxiety (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 2.4
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Apocalypse Cow (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2.3
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 3.9
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Life: A Loser's Manual (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 3.5
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Back to the Woods (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2.6
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 4.2
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Magnificent Steven (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2.3
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 3.4
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Home Sweet Lake Home
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Lost on the Ice
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Part 3 (Repeat)
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Part 4 (Repeat)
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The Hero Returns
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On the Edge of Death
The Thin Blue Line

Track & Field
  • Rating: 3.4
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 5.2
  • Rating: 4
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 6.5
  • Rating: 4.8
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 7.4




Saturn V
Command Module


The Lemon
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Elementary School vs. Hotel


Universal HD
Territorial Defense


Please Note We Are No Longer Accepting Letters of Recommendation from Henry Kissinger
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High Priced Spread
  • Viewers: 4.58
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A Very Short Trip
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Lisa & Youmika
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Carly & Jason
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Some Shows Airing Outside of Primetime
adult swim
  • Dr. Quym, Medicine Woman
    11:30 pm - 12:00 am
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Food Network