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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Molly Tarlov of AWKWARD.

Mike Vicic - September 27, 2011


Molly Tarlov, who plays mean-girl Sadie on AWKWARD., took some time out of her busy schedule to answer 18 questions in this exclusive interview with TV Tango. Even though we didn't get any scoop about tonight's season finale, Molly mused about Sadie's evil deeds, told fun stories of life on and off set, and dished about her hobbies and fave TV shows.

The one-hour Season 1 finale of AWKWARD. airs tonight at 11pm ET/PT on MTV.

If you need a refresher course about AWKWARD., school is in session today. MTV is airing a five-hour AWKWARD. marathon on Tuesday, September 27, beginning at 12:00pm ET/PT.  You can catch up and relive the drama and laughs of this season, all leading up to the special one-hour season finale at 11pm, when the burning questions of who Jenna will choose and who really wrote the letter will finally be revealed.




TV Tango: Lauren [Iungerich, the show's creator] and her writing staff are really using AWKWARD. to introduce new words into our vernacular. What's your favorite new word or phrase?

Molly Tarlov: Flirtationship. I use it all the time. We just used it in the last episode, but I've been saying it for the last couple of months now.

Major May-Jor. I use it in my head all the time.

Brillz, of course.

[Check out this AWKWARD Slangtionary.]


Alicia Silverstone as Cher in CLUELESS.

TV Tango: What are your thoughts about the comparisons between CLUELESS and AWKWARD.?

Molly Tarlov: It's the best thing I have heard. I saw it three times in theaters. I take it as a compliment.


TV Tango: What's with the period at the end of the show title? Do Lauren and the writers go crazy when people don't include it?

Molly Tarlov: I don't think so; we had so many different name changes [during production].

I'm in New York right now. I'm watching a different TV, and there's no period. I felt a little strange about it. It's become such a part of it. At the beginning, when the letters are being typed out, the period is so much a part of it.


TV Tango: What would be a perfect date night for Sadie?

Molly Tarlov: Sadie needs a little be treated like a lady. A guy should take her mini-golfing and try to get her guard down -- and let her be herself. Maybe a gun range.


TV Tango: What would Sadie have written if she played the "What's Your Dirty Secret" game with Jenna?

Molly Tarlov: I can't tell you that. I'm sure that she would say something really mean about Jenna.


TV Tango: When Sadie sicced Lissa on Jenna at school, was Sadie happy because Jenna was going to get slapped or because she was controlling Lissa?

Molly Tarlov: Jenna. There was some relief when Sadie found out Jenna and Jake had kissed. It seemed like Jenna and Matty didn't have a chance. Maybe Matty wouldn't like Jenna and would think she was an oozing skitch. And Sadie got Lissa to do her dirty work for her.


TV Tango: Who came up with no-carb chocolate?

Molly Tarlov: I don't know which writer.


It was funny. I was at dinner with Lauren and got a diet Coke. It had a piece of bread in it and I said, "This is not carb-free."

That was legit ice cream too, in that scene. It was not frozen yogurt.


TV Tango: What's one question about Sadie that you've always wanted to answer, but nobody has asked yet?

Molly Tarlov: Hmm....that's really hard. "If Sadie could have a sibling, would she?"


I think Sadie would have an older brother so he could protect her. That's why she is the way she is. Maybe she would let her guard a little bit down.


TV Tango: How often do you search Twitter for #TeamSadie?

Molly Tarlov: I don't search because I'm scared. People are mean. I only look at when people reply to me. I don't search for the show anymore.


TV Tango: What's the meanest fan/hater tweet about AWKWARD. that's mentioned you or Sadie?

Molly Tarlov: I don't know, I've forgotten them.


TV Tango: What's your favorite fan tweet about AWKWARD. that's mentioned you or Sadie?

Molly Tarlov: I get so many good ones a day. I really really do. I would say a video from these two girls, Jordan and Kelly, who really love the show.


I like when people appreciate what I do. Most people tweet "You're welcome."


TV Tango: Have you been able to use Twitter and Facebook to help young women who have body image issues?

Molly Tarlov: Yes, I hope so. When episode 6 aired, we went into Sadie's body issues. I had good conversations with people who were relating to Sadie. Anything I can do to show girls that they can be a girl whose not stick skinny like on TV.


I love my art and my acting, but on the other side is reaching out to people. It helps me feel comfortable too, supporting each other.


TV Tango: Do people/fans recognize you on the street now? If so, what kind of reaction do you get?

Molly Tarlov: It's so crazy, they do. I can't believe it. It happens a few times a day. Well, mostly people just say, "You're on AWKWARD., right?"


When Jillian [Rose Reed, who plays Tamara] and I hang out, people are like "My gosh, Tamara and Sadie! In real life!" And I think "How old are you? And how are you watching the show?"


When people say "You know who you remind me of?" I always expect them to say celebs I've been compared to in the past, but now they say me.


TV Tango: Sadie's food weakness is fluffernutters. Mine is Doritos. What's yours?

Molly Tarlov: I'm more salty than sweet. I would have to go with chips, or mozzarella and tomato on sourdough.


Jared Leto as Jordan Catalano

TV Tango: If you had to go back to school and attend a fictional TV high school, which one would you choose? Why?

Molly Tarlov: I would go to the CLUELESS high school, it was shot at Marshall. You know what else what shot at Marshall? GREASE. Rydell High. I really want to go to Rydell High...but it wasn't on TV.

Can I change my mind? Liberty High [from MY SO-CALLED LIFE]. I always wanted to be Patty Chase, and of course Jordan Catalano was there.


I for sure would not want to go Palos Hills [the high school in AWKWARD.].


TV Tango: What's one talent that you have that your fans don't know about?

Molly Tarlov: I go through phases where I knit a lot. I haven't done it for a couple of years. I live in Los Angeles now; what am I going to knit, a bikini?



TV Tango: Besides live-tweeting AWKWARD., what are some TV shows that are appointment TV?

Molly Tarlov: I love HAPPY ENDINGS on ABC.


My guilty pleasure is THE BACHELOR, THE BACHELORETTE and BACHELOR PAD. Actually, it's not a guilty pleasure. I'm proud of it.




Casey Wilson in HAPPY ENDINGS.

TV Tango: If you could be on one TV series when you're not filming AWKWARD., what series would you choose?

Molly Tarlov: I would probably choose MODERN FAMILY. What kind of character? A nice one.


I want to be on HAPPY ENDINGS really bad. I really love Casey Wilson and could play her sister.



Check out this “AWKWARD. SLANGTIONARY,” which highlights some of the phrases featured in the show. 

Back-Up Pants
Definition:  The extra set of pants a girl or her friends keep stashed at school for monthly visitor emergencies.

Definition:  Dorks, nerd boys, or goobers; Guys you don’t want to be seen with in public.

Big Fail Mary
Definition:  Something that does not go as planned.

Definition:  Awesome.

Definition:  Beyond awesome.

Definition:  Boobs.

Definition:  Brilliant.

Bumping Of Uglies or Bumping Uglies
Definition of:  Hooking up

Call Shenanigans or Shenanigans
Definition:   Calling ‘BS’

Definition: A casual intervention facilitated with people who care about you when they think you need help.

Definition:  So cheesy it’s almost cool.

Definition:  Stalker; Weirdo; Freak.

Definition:  Define the relationship;  The uncomfortable talk no one wants to have about their dating status.

Definition:  The transparent look on someone’s face that lets you know what they’re feeling;  Saying something in person that you would normally only have the balls to say over email.

Definition: A relationship that has yet to evolve past the flirting stage.

Definition: Reacting in a stunned or jarring way.

Definition: The lay of the land in regards to how many friends you have.

Genie In A Bottle
Definition: Genius

H-2-T Gorge
Definition:  Head- to-toe gorgeous.

Haiku Advice
Definition:  Nonsensical advice

Hitting Shuffle On The Subject
Definition: Changing the subject

House Arrest
Definition:  Being grounded.

Definition: Messed up.

Definition:  Jealous.

Definition:  The end of the world brought on by one’s own bad karma.

Definition:  Small party; Get-together.

Lady Business
Definition:  Anything having to do with ‘lady parts’.

Definition:  Creep;  Stalker;  Freak.

Major May-Jor
Definition:  So major you have to say it with a Spanish accent.

Nancy Drew This
Definition:  Over-Analyzing.

Neck-2-T Lasered
Definition: Neck-to-toe laser hair removal.

Definition: Obvious.

Old Testament 
Definition:  Out dated; Old School.

Definition: A Step Beyond “Game Over”;  The real end of gaming playing in a game or a relationship.

Pulling A Britney
Definition: Going to a crazy place.

Definition: Gross; Nasty.

Recessive Chub
Definition: Fat you can’t control with diet and exercise.

Resident Evil
Definition: Pure Evil.

Sequestered To The Kiss And Cry Zone
Definition: Having been iced out.

Shame Spiral
Definition:  Having a nervous breakdown.

Definition:  This is awkward.

Definition: Freak out.

Definition: Stoked; Excited; Amped.

Ugly Cry
Definition: Crying so hard your make-up runs and your face gets puffy.

Definition: The scale or measurement of weird.