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(A bodybuilder does a flip off the stage; a man swings a rope into a rock; a boy falls off a treadmill; a rocket lands on a parked car
  • Rating: 4.9
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 8.4
Riggins Family
  • Rating: 7.3
  • Share: 10
  • Viewers: 12.6
Come Play Wiz Me
  • Rating: 11
  • Share: 15
  • Viewers: 17.1
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Something Ida This Way Comes
  • Rating: 8.1
  • Share: 12
  • Viewers: 11.8
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INDIANAPOLIS COLTS 38, New England Patriots 34
  • Rating: 26.4
  • Share: 39
  • Viewers: 46.7
  • Rating: 17.4
  • Share: 26
  • Viewers: 29.4
  • Rating: 9
  • Share: 16
  • Viewers: 13.7

The Break Up (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 2.2
Bullets Over Brock
  • Rating: 2.2
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 3.3
Script Number Two Hundred Thirty-Four
  • Rating: 2.2
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 3.3
Beauties Pimp Their Geeks (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.2
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 1.9


Sarah Jessica & Matthew

Death Sex (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.1
  • Share: 5
  • Viewers: 4.5
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Super Dave (Repeat)
  • Rating: 2.3
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 3.3
Moe 'n' a Lisa (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.9
  • Share: 6
  • Viewers: 6.3
A Smith in Hand (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.5
  • Share: 5
  • Viewers: 5.5
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Mother Tucker (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.8
  • Share: 5
  • Viewers: 5.9
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Rough Trade (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.1
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 5
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Fox News


Matt Manzari; Evan Geiselman; Tyson Bowerbank
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Son of Hades
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New Found Glory: Live in Boston



A Praying Mantis Kills (Repeat)
Beetlejuice (1988) (Repeat)
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One for the Morgue (Repeat)
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Bi-Polar Express

  • Rating: 5.7
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 8.9
  • Rating: 5.2
  • Share: 7
  • Viewers: 8.1
  • Rating: 4.4
  • Share: 6
  • Viewers: 6.9
  • Rating: 5
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 7.6


Lemme See Your Grill
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Sci Fi

Birds of a Feather
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Home Sweet Home
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Justice System
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TV One


Down and Out on the B-List
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Manic Panic
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Some Shows Airing Outside of Primetime