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TV Listings: Past & Present

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101 Dalmatians
  • Rating: 5
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 9.3
The Box (Part 1 of 2)
  • Rating: 5.8
  • Share: 9
  • Viewers: 9.4
Liar's Poker (Repeat)
  • Rating: 5.4
  • Share: 9
  • Viewers: 8.2

  • Rating: 9.7
  • Share: 16
  • Viewers: 13.7
The Cost of Living
  • Rating: 6.8
  • Share: 10
  • Viewers: 9.4
  • Rating: 8.7
  • Share: 14
  • Viewers: 13.1

ST. LOUIS RAMS 45, Green Bay Packers 17
  • Rating: 10.6
  • Share: 18
  • Viewers: 16.9
  • Rating: 6.3
  • Share: 10
  • Viewers: 9.9
Sweets and Sour Marge
  • Rating: 7.3
  • Share: 11
  • Viewers: 12.3
Reese's Job
  • Rating: 6.4
  • Share: 10
  • Viewers: 11.1
Episode 2
  • Rating: 5
  • Share: 8
  • Viewers: 8.4

59th Annual
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Share: 12
  • Viewers: 10.9
59th Annual
  • Rating: 14.9
  • Share: 23
  • Viewers: 23.5

  • Rating: 0.8
A Time to Win
  • Rating: 0.8
  • Rating: 0.8


Dual Intentions (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 2.3
My Fair Homegirl
  • Rating: 1.8
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 2.8
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 2.5
Nikki Can't Wait for Dwight's Birthday
  • Rating: 1.3
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 2
The Good, the Bad and the Lazy
  • Rating: 1.3
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 2.1
The ''What Have I Done?'' Show
  • Rating: 1.5
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 2.4

Some Shows Airing Outside of Primetime