- Network: NBC
- Category: Series
- Genre:
- Type: Animated
- Concept:
- Subject Matter:
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Plot Synopsis
This animated series follows the adventures of Shelldon, a Yoka Star Shell who lives in the coral-reef community of Shell Land, and his underwater exploits with his sea-creature friends: "Herman," the Hermit crab; "Connie," the Cowry shell; Shelldon's adopted family of Fluted Giant Clams, including his young twin siblings, "Click" and "Clack"; a neurotic crab who owns the town bookstore; a graceful shrimp who runs the beauty salon; a surly turtle who ferries passengers around town; and a snail who devises scatter-brained inventions. Shelldon always finds himself in outlandish situations that require honesty, teamwork, ingenuity and caring for the environment, which teaches young viewers about marine life and simple ways to make the world a better and greener place.
Production & Distribution
- Produced by Shellhut Entertainment
- Distributed by Classic Media