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Pair of Kings

Pair of Kings

Photo Credit:  Bob D'Amico / Disney XD
  • Premiered: 
    September 22, 2010
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Disney XD
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Comedy (Sitcom)
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Created by Dan Cross & Dave Hoge 
  • Subject Matter:
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Plot Synopsis

Fraternal twins Brady and Boomer lead a typical teenage life while being raised by their aunt and uncle in Chicago, but unbeknownst to them, they're successors to the throne of the island of Kinkow. Their lives change drastically when Mason the Royal Advisor arrives at their high school to inform the boys of their extraordinary lineage. So, Brady and Boomer relocate to the island to claim their throne as joint Kings of an island filled with odd superstitions and customs while trying not to cause havoc at every turn. Brady, the easily frazzled but responsible twin, can be brave when he needs to be and is eager to prove that he is worthy of his new royal status. Boomer, the overly confident twin who often doesn't think before he acts, is a people person, prefering to goof around and not taking the role of king as seriously as Brady. The Kings go through the rites of passage of typical teenagers, yet they have the responsibility of ruling a strange island nation to complicate their ride. Together, they struggle to earn the respect of the islanders, participate in island customs, try to meet girls, learn to drive, play in unique island sport competitions and try not to embarrass themselves. At the beginning of Season 3, Boomer learns that Brady has left the island for good and tries to follow him, but a storm forces him to stay behind. That same storm sinks a nearby island, sending its inhabitants to Kinkow, including their king, King Boz, who turns out to be Boomer's long-lost triplet brother. Now, the newly reunited brothers must get to know one another and learn to work together through hilarious and sometimes perilous adventures. The boys always rely on their island friends for guidance in ruling the island, but their efforts are helped and hindered by: Mason, the intimidating royal guard; Mikayla, Mason's adorable daughter and assistant to the kings; and Lanny, their disgruntled cousin and wannabe king, who's out to sabotage them and steal the throne. Disney aired a special one-hour episode of PAIR OF KINGS on Friday, September 10, 2010 at 9pm ET, and the series officially premiered on Disney XD on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 8pm ET, immediately after Disney XD aired the one-hour special for the first time on its channel.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by It's a Laugh Productions


  • - Kinkow