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The New York Times Presents

The New York Times Presents

  • Premiered: 
    July 10, 2020
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: FX
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Followup series to The Weekly 
  • Subject Matter: Current Events
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Plot Synopsis

THE NEW YORK TIMES PRESENTS is a series of standalone documentaries representing insights of journalists from "The New York Times," bringing viewers close to essential stories. With more than 1,550 journalists reporting from 160 countries, The Times publishes 250 stories a day including investigative reports, political scoops and cultural dispatches. Airing monthly, each episode premieres simultaneously on FX and Hulu

The first documentary, "They Get Brave," follows the coronavirus crisis in New York City. "The Times" gave doctors and nurses cameras to document their lives at the height of the pandemic, and what they captured reveals an extraordinary resolve in the face of a profound breakdown in the health-care system. Like WWI infantry, they were poorly equipped and relied on shoddy information, but they committed themselves to the cause. This installment is directed by Samantha Stark, Alexandra Garcia, John Pappas and Lora Moftah.

A second season of THE NEW YORK TIMES PRESENTS kicked off with "Elon Musk's Crash Course," a 100-minute documentary, on Friday, May 20, 2022 from 10-11:40pm ET/PT on FX. Elon Musk, the world's richest person, has claimed since 2015 that, for Tesla, technology for self-driving cars is a "solved problem," and made outlandish claims about Autopilot capabilities. But a New York Times investigation reveals the quixotic nature of Musk's pursuit of self-driving technology, and the tragic results. Autopilot has been a factor in several deaths and dozens of other accidents that Tesla has not publicly acknowledged. Some former Tesla employees speak out against Musk for promoting a self-driving program that they believe was perilous.

The two-part "Sin Eater: The Crimes of Anthony Pellicano," directed by John Pappas, premiered on Friday, March 10, 2023 from 10pm-12:50am on FX. If you were famous and had a problem in the 1990s, Anthony Pellicano was the man you hired to make it go away. Hollywood's dirtiest private investigator didn't operate within the law to hide the sins of the rich and powerful. Pellicano's victims accused him of harassing and intimidating them - in some cases ruining their lives forever. Ultimately, Pellicano went to prison for wiretapping and racketeering but now he's out, and he's talking. The Times obtained nearly the entire FBI case file, including audio recordings of Hollywood stars and powerbrokers that have never aired publicly. Using these tapes and confidential documents, "Sin Eater" investigates how the rich and powerful in Hollywood got an edge over the legal system and faced few consequences when Pellicano was exposed.

A new season of THE NEW YORK TIMES PRESENTS debuted on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 10pm ET/PT on FX. In the season opener, "How To Fix a Pageant," decades of waning cultural credibility and recent scandals have left the Miss USA pageant in chaos. This film explores allegations that rotted the core of an iconic institution and questions if it has outlived its relevance.
On Friday, August 23, 2024 at 10pm ET/PT, FX premiered "Lie to Fly," a new 90-minute episode of THE NEW YORK TIMES PRESENTS. A pilot's promising career takes a dark turn when he's accused of attempting to down a plane after taking psychedelic mushrooms; the film delves into pilot mental health protocols and urgent calls for reform within the aviation industry.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by The New York Times
  • Produced by Left/Right Productions