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  • Premiered: 
    October 16, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Hulu
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Based on the 2016 book (Nemesis) by Simon de Waal 
  • Subject Matter: Thriller
  • Tags:

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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

Adapted from Simon de Waal's 2016 book of the same name, NEMESIS is an eight-part thriller that centers on Sylvia van Maele, a public prosecutor in The Hague, who teams up with FIOD detective Lars van Deurnen in their joint battle against financial crimes: a shadow world full of shell companies, dead end paper trails, and international tax rules that are bent and broken. When the lines between Sylvia's work and her private life start to blur, it won't take long before she realizes that the rules and practices that make her work impossible are put in place for a reason. She will need to learn to trust her intuition in order to survive, even if that means standing up against those she trusts the most. All eight episodes of NEMESIS dropped on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 on Hulu.
