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NBC News Special

Episode List: NBC News Special

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Date Episode # Title  (↑) Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
03/21/1990     NBC  10.1  19  13.8 
    NBC  8.7     
01/06/2021     NBC       
11/11/1990     NBC  12.2  21   
    NBC  5.7     
03/13/1990     NBC  13.3  24  18.1 
11/25/1986     NBC  9.7     
01/17/1993     NBC  7.6     
02/28/1991 Special    NBC  12     
    NBC  10.2     
01/27/1998     NBC  8.3     
02/28/1993     NBC  6.5     
01/05/1975 Special  1974: The World Turned Upside Down  NBC       
12/30/1990 Special  1990: Living on Edge  NBC  6.6     
04/29/1975 Special  7382 Days in Vietnam  NBC       
01/23/1975 Special  A Conversation with President Ford  NBC       
06/29/1975 Special  A Country Called Watts  NBC       
05/07/1993   A Day at the White House  NBC  5.7     
02/28/1990   A Day in the White House  NBC  10     
Special  A Handshake in Space  NBC       
04/27/1975 Special  A Shooting Gallery Called America  NBC       
01/21/1986   AIDS  NBC  11.8     
04/10/1975 Special  America Abroad  NBC       
  America at War  NBC  9.2     
  America at War  NBC  7.4     
  America at War  NBC  4.5     
  America at War  NBC  15.2     
  America at War  NBC  13.3     
  America at War  NBC  7.5     
11/24/1974 Special  And Who Shall Feed This World?  NBC       
07/14/1975 Special  Apollo-Soyuz Joint Space Mission  NBC       
03/06/2022 Special  Bill Barr: In the Eye of the Storm  NBC       
06/06/2014 Special  Brian Williams D-Day  NBC  3.7  5.5 
Special  Brokaw: War in the Gulf  CBS  11.6     
  Busch/Quayle '92  NBC  7.1  15   
01/23/2002   Bush White House: Real West Wing  NBC  10.2  16  15.2 
05/01/1992 Special  City Under Fire  NBC  7.2  13   
02/17/1993   Clinton Analysis  NBC  12     
09/05/1986 Special  Cocaine Country; Karachi  NBC  12.5     
09/07/2016 Special  Commander-in-Chief Forum  NBC       
04/15/2013 Special  Coverage of the Boston Marathon Explosion  NBC  5.6  8.8 
07/26/1987 Special  Crime, Punishment and Kids  NBC  9.7     
  Cuban Missile Crisis  NBC  13   
09/10/2024   Debate Countdown: Harris v. Trump  NBC       
11/03/2020 Special  Decision 2020 Election Night  NBC       
11/03/2020 Special  Decision 2020 Election Night  NBC       
03/05/2024   Decision 2024: Super Tuesday  NBC       
05/21/2013   Devastation in Oklahoma  NBC  5.2  8.2 
10/17/1989   Earthquake  NBC  12.1     
07/12/1988 Special  Everybody's Doing It  NBC  8.6     
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