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NBC News Special

Episode List: NBC News Special

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Date Episode # Title  (↑) Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
08/25/1987 Special  God Is Not Elected  NBC  7.9     
01/10/2014   Going for Gold  NBC  2.5  3.5 
01/09/2015 Special  Golden Globes  NBC  1.7  2.7 
08/01/2014 Special  Hannah Anderson: Anatomy of a Kidnapping  NBC  3.1  4.5 
08/02/1975 Special    NBC       
01/13/1978   Henry Kissinger: On the Record  NBC       
01/22/1988 Special  Home Sweet Home  NBC  8.7     
01/01/1975 Special  If You Think It Was Tough To Make Ends Meet in 1974, Wait 'Til You Hear About 1975  NBC       
06/02/2009 Special  Inside the Obama White House: Brian Williams Reports (Part 1 of 2)  NBC  10  9.2 
06/03/2009 Special  Inside the Obama White House: Brian Williams Reports (Part 2 of 2)  NBC  10 
10/14/2023   Israel-Hamas War  CNBC       
10/14/2023   Israel-Hamas War  MSNBC       
10/15/2023   Israel-Hamas War  CNBC       
10/15/2023   Israel-Hamas War  MSNBC       
12/27/1974 Special  Jack Benny: We Remember  NBC       
10/13/2023   Jada's Story  NBC       
07/17/1999   JFK  NBC  4.8     
07/14/1975 Special  Joint US-USSR Space Mission Preview  NBC       
08/28/2006 Special  Katrina: The Long Road Back  NBC  5.8 
09/11/1990   Kids/Sports  NBC  7.2  16  9.4 
06/03/1987 Special  Life in the Fat Lane  NBC  15.7  28   
04/19/2013   Live Coverage of Law Enforcement Capturing Boston Bombing Suspect #2; President Obama's Speech  NBC       
04/26/1991   Lost Youth  NBC  8.8     
04/06/1975 Special  Many Unhappy Returns: A Report on Your Taxes  NBC       
08/03/1975 Special  Mary Jane Grows Up: Marijuana in the '70s  NBC       
05/28/2014   NBC News Exclusive With Brian Williams: Inside the Mind of Edward Snowden  NBC  3.8  5.9 
03/11/1987 Special  Nuclear Power: In France It Works  NBC  6.2     
01/09/1975 Special  Of Women and Men  NBC       
02/04/1997   OJ Special Report 1  NBC  9.8     
07/15/2024   President Biden Exclusive  NBC       
11/17/1974 Special  President Ford's First 100 Days in Office  NBC       
01/15/1975 Special  President Ford's State of the Union Message to Congress  NBC       
10/11/1992   Privacy and the Press  NBC  10.9  20   
06/24/1985 Special  Profile of a First Lady  NBC  12.7     
01/17/1994   Quake  NBC  12.7     
04/05/1975 Special  Rabin and Sadat: Peace or War?  NBC       
01/13/1991   Ready for War  NBC  10.4     
09/07/2001   Revenge of the Whale  NBC  3.9     
10/30/2012   Sandy's Fury  NBC  5.2  8.3 
09/05/2014   Saving Dr. Brantly: The Inside Story of a Medical Miracle  NBC  2.9 
11/15/1975 Special  Senate Rules Committee Hearings on the Rockefeller Nomination for Vice-President  NBC       
04/17/2002   Ship at War: Carrier Stennis  NBC  5.9  11  8.7 
07/01/1987   Six Days Plus 20 Years  NBC  6.7     
08/21/1991   Soviet Coup Collapse  NBC  8.3     
04/25/1988 Special  Stressed to Kill  NBC  10.2     
01/06/1987 Special  The Arms, the Men, and the Money  NBC  6.4     
04/04/1987 Special  The Baby Business  NBC  11.3     
05/06/2023   The Coronation of King Charles III  NBC       
07/21/2022   The January 6th Hearings: The House Investigates  NBC       
06/09/2022   The January 6th Hearings: The House Investigates  NBC