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Marvel's Hit Monkey

Marvel's Hit Monkey

  • Premiered: 
    November 17, 2021
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Hulu
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Dramedy
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Marvel.s Hit Monkey digital comic series (Hit-Monkey) by Daniel Way & Dalibor Talajic 
  • Subject Matter: Science Fiction
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    Season 1
    Season 2

Plot Synopsis

After a high-profile political assassination goes sideways, injured hitman Bryce hides out amongst a tribe of snow monkeys in the mountains of Japan. After Bryce is killed and the snow monkey tribe is decimated, the assassin's ghost and Monkey arrive in Tokyo seeking revenge. But will the differences in their style doom the mission before it even begins? On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, Hulu released the entire 10-episode first season of MARVEL'S HIT-MONKEY. About the characters:

Bryce: A world-weary assassin who's made some unbelievably poor life choices. He drowns his sorrows in work, travel, and gambling, but when it comes to doing hits, there's no one better. After he's killed in the Japanese Alps, the ghost of Bryce and Monkey are tied together on a revenge quest. A terrible mentor with a sarcastic, cynical view of the world, Bryce must ultimately dig deep within himself in order to complete his final mission to help Monkey become who he was meant to be.

Monkey: Monkey's peaceful existence in the Japanese Alps is shattered by the tragic loss of his tribe, setting him on a course of revenge and violence in the very world of humans that are responsible for his plight. He's a killer of killers with a bit of a rage problem. During the series, he must learn to navigate the struggle between his inherently sweet nature and the evil acts he must commit. It's through his complicated friendship with the ghost of Bryce (a former assassin and now Monkey's unwanted conscience) that will determine whether Monkey will be all consumed by his rage of channel it for good.

Shinji: A lifelong public servant who has been the man behind the political career of Ken Takahara, his friend and political mentor. But when tragedy strikes, it falls to Shinji to pick up the baton and carry their political dreams forward. A good and honest man who raised his niece Akiko all by himself after the death of her parents. Shinji is the kind of politician everyone wishes they could have.

Akiko: Smart, ambitious and powerful, Akiko is the niece of Shinji Yokohama, the future Prime Minister of Japan. Having spent time in the West for college and law school, she has returned with strong opinions about the future of her uncle's campaign. Her inherently good nature however masks a darker side, one that emerges as the story progresses.

Haruka: An honest cop from a small town in the North, Haruka comes to Tokyo with dreams of reforming a corrupt city. But can she hold on to her values in the face of so much vice? Her new partner, Ito, tests her sense of right and wrong and ultimately proves to be the mentor she has always looked for. But when it falls to her to complete their case, will she have what it takes to become the cop she has always felt she could be?

Ito: The laughing stock of the Tokyo Police Department, and struggling with a drinking problem, Ito is the only one in Tokyo who suspects that Hit Monkey may actually be one of the good guys. But no one -- not even his new partner Haruka -- believes him. He will have to reach into his past and face his demons in order to finally restore his honor.
Season 2 of MARVEL'S HIT MONKEY debuted on Monday, July 15, 2024 on Hulu, which released all 10 episodes of the new season. Now in New York City, Monkey finds a path to escape his life of killing, while Bryce attempts to repair the damage to those he wronged in life. But what will it cost them to undo the past? The season opens with Monkey making a name for himself as a hitman in NYC while Bryce is trying to reconnect with his daughter Iris. But all that changes when Haruka arrives with Bonsai Master's sword. Then, Monkey, Bryce, and Haruka break protocol, demanding to know who set them up. This leads them to a mysterious Member's Only club, where an unlikely assassin aids in their mission.



  • (Season 1) - Tokyo Japan
  • (Season 2) - New York City, New York USA