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Hustle, Sizzle, and Smoke

Episode List: Hustle, Sizzle, and Smoke

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
04/25/2024 01-001  Oxtail and Sweet Potato  AspireTV       
05/02/2024   Wings and Cabbage  AspireTV       
05/09/2024   Burger and Potato  AspireTV       
05/16/2024   Brisket and Beans  AspireTV       
05/23/2024   Ribs and Pasta  AspireTV       
05/30/2024   Chicken and Avocado  AspireTV       
06/06/2024   Pulled Pork and Leafy Greens  AspireTV       
06/13/2024   Turkey and Sourdough  AspireTV       
06/20/2024   Duck and Carrots  AspireTV       
06/27/2024   Shellfish and Grits  AspireTV