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Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer

Photo Credit:  Vivian Zink/ABC Studios
  • Premiered: 
    September 23, 2005
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: CBS
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Partly based on the life of James Van Praagh 
  • Subject Matter: Supernatural/Paranormal
  • Tags:

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  • Complete Series
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  • Season 1
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  • Season 2
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  • Season 3
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  • Season 4
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  • Season 5
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  • Three Season Pack
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Legal Full Episodes
Not Available Online
(That We Know Of)

Plot Synopsis

Melinda Gordon has the ability to see and communicate with spirits who have not yet crossed over. She acts an as intermediary between these ghosts and the ones they haunt and helps the spirits deliver messages or complete tasks, allowing them to go into the light.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Sander-Moses Productions
  • In association with ABC Studios
  • In association with CBS Paramount Network Television

Births, Deaths & Weddings

  • April 28, 2006: Andrea Moreno dies
    • Click icon to watch or own this full episode
  • November 7, 2008: Jim Clancy dies
    • Click icon to watch or own this full episode
  • May 15, 2009: Melinda Gordon and Jim Clancy are married
    • Click icon to watch or own this full episode
  • March 5, 2010: Josh Bedford dies
    • Click icon to watch or own this full episode