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Defying Death

Defying Death

  • Premiered: 
    August 7, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Tubi
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

Using first-hand accounts of bravery in the face of death, DEFYING DEATHS reveals the stories of survivors of wild animal attacks, natural disasters, and catastrophic crashes. DEFYING DEATHS debuted on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 on Tubi, which released all three one-hour episodes:

"Natural Disasters": Seven Americans share their stories of resilience in the face of some of the most unpredictable and devastating natural disasters.

"Wild Animal Attacks": Courageous survivors recount the stories of when they came face-to-face with nature's deadliest creatures and miraculously escaped.

"Crashes": Sinking cruise ships, faulty parachutes, emergency landings -- these are the chilling stories of those who stared death in the face and survived.