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Chastity High

Chastity High

  • Premiered: 
    August 29, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Netflix
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
    Inspired by a true story 
  • Subject Matter: School
  • Tags:

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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

Inspired by real-life events where a female student sued her school for expulsion due to violating its stringent regulations on dating a member of the opposite sex, CHASTITY HIGH is a one-hour school drama series set in an ultra-elite high school that imposes a strict ban on dating between boys and girls. A student secretly helps her classmates for cash to help them avoid being punished under this strict "No Romance" rule, which expels anyone caught dating. Chaos ensues as they expose one another and rebel against the school rules. The series follows the story of students Ichika Arisawa and Ryogo Maki. As a "Love Keeper," Ichika uses her wits to secretly help other students caught violating the no-dating rule. She makes money in the process, helping her hardworking single mother pay for her tuition. Meanwhile, Ryogo, the son of a governor, seeks to escape his abusive father and sees Ichika's mission as a way to earn the money he needs. Eventually, their partnership evolves into a romance that defies the school's policies. When their secret is exposed, the strength of their resolve is tested. How will they navigate the fallout? All eight episodes of CHASTITY HIGH debuted on Thursday, August 29, 2024 on Netflix.
