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In the Deep Woods

In the Deep Woods

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Monday, October 26, 1992 14.6 23 2
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 1992-93
  • Network: NBC
  • Genre: Drama
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Murder and Murder Mystery, Cops/Detectives/Law Enforcement, Suspense/Thriller, Woman In Jeopardy
  • Based On: In The Deep Woods written by Nicholas Conde
  • Misc.: Based On Book/Play

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Plot Synopsis

Based on the book by Nicholas Conde. A children's book author is drawn into the web of a psycho-serial killer after he kills a friend of hers. As the murders continue, evidence mounts against her brother while she begins to suspect her boyfriend and a fawning federal agent in charge of the investigation. Also complicating matters is the appearance of a sinister private eye who thinks the young writer can lead him to the killer.


Production Company:

  • Frederic Golchan Prods. IAW Leonard Hill Films

Production Type:

  • Independent
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