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Highwayman, The

Highwayman, The

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Friday, March 04, 1988 13.1 22 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 1987-88
  • Network: NBC
  • Genre: Drama
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Cops/Detectives/Law Enforcement, Action/Adventure, Series Pilot (2 hr.), Sci-Fi / Supernatural / Fantasy

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Legal Full Movie
Not Available Online
(That We Know Of)

Plot Synopsis

In an alternative universe controlled by futuristic federal police, Japanese villains conspire to kill American factory workers and replace them with robots.


Production Company:

  • New West Entertainment Inc. IAW Glen A. Larson Prods.

Production Type:

  • Independent
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