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Greek Recipe for Romance, A

Greek Recipe for Romance, A

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Saturday, June 15, 2024 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2023-2024
  • Network: Hallmark
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Romantic Comedy, Foreign/Exotic Location

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Plot Synopsis

When Abby is unceremoniously laid off from her job running a New York City hotel instead of getting the promotion she was expecting, she jets off to Greece to clear her head and spend time with her mom who relocated to the Mediterranean paradise. There, Abby meets Theo, a talented young chef with an air of mystery around him, who has an incredible passion for food. Theo is also grappling with the questions about his future and dreams of opening his own restaurant. But his father Nikolas is pressuring him to give up his culinary dreams and take over the family business. In a bid to prepare herself for a new job opportunity that arises while she's there, Abby teams up with Theo to help him reopen his late mother's old family restaurant -- she'll get the restaurant experience she needs and Theo will have the chance to showcase his prowess in the kitchen. Abby and Theo make a perfect pair as they navigate the ups and downs of building a business, despite the increasing pressure from Theo's wealthy father to shut down and return home to Athens. Soon, it's clear that they're falling for each other and could be cooking up a romance neither expected to find on the menu. *Filmed on Syros, Greece (Island). **CREDITS: Executive Producers: Timothy O. Johnson, Joseph Wilka; Director: Colin Theys; Writers: Keith Hemstreet, Katie Kerr, Colin Theys.

Production Company:

  • Johnson Production Group

Production Type:

  • Independent
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