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Christmas Island

Christmas Island

Air Date Rating Share Against the
Saturday, November 11, 2023 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 2023-2024
  • Network: Hallmark
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Category: Movies
  • Subject Matter: Holiday Themed, Foreign/Exotic Location, Romantic Comedy

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Plot Synopsis

Kate Gabriel, a talented commercial pilot, is excited for the opportunity to spend her holiday break flying the Sharpe family on a luxurious vacation to Switzerland and hopes this gig will turn into a full-time job as their private pilot. During the flight, a snowstorm forces her to make an unexpected landing at a small airport in the Maritimes, Canada. Kate is hesitant to divert the plane, however Oliver Macleod, the pragmatic Air Traffic Control Officer in charge of guiding them to safety, insists it's the only option. Kate and the Sharpes are all taken in by host families in the nearby community of Christmas Island, where the locals are known for their Maritime hospitality. In order to keep her hopes for a full-time job alive, Kate must ensure the increasingly anxious Sharpes find their holiday spirit and embrace the local holiday traditions. Much to Kate's chagrin, it just so happens that Oliver and his family are the community organizers of these beloved festivities. They're forced to team up, and together help the family discover the joys of the island, such as the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony honoring local fishermen who have fallen. Through their experiences on Christmas Island, can Kate's efforts -- aided by Oliver and the local traditions -- help bring the holiday spirit to the Sharpes and perhaps discover for Kate that romance can be found in unexpected places. *CREDITS: Executive Producers: Justin Rebelo, Bill Marks, Nataline Rodrigues; Director: David Weaver; Writer: Samantha Herman.

Production Company:

  • Vortex Media/Picture Plant.

Production Type:

  • Independent
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