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Air Date Rating Share Against the
Sunday, February 09, 1986 16.9 25 N/A
Monday, February 10, 1986 16.2 23 N/A
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day)
  • Season: 1985-86
  • Network: ABC
  • Genre: Drama
  • Category: Miniseries
  • Subject Matter: Action/Adventure, Foreign/Exotic Location, Historical Piece, Period Piece, Woman In Jeopardy, Sex/Glitz

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Legal Full Movie
Not Available Online
(That We Know Of)

Plot Synopsis

Around 1900, an American engaged to a British diplomat is kidnapped and sold into the harem of the Turkish sultan, where she is endangered on account of the number one wife's jealousy. She is finally rescued and the sultan deposed.


Production Company:

  • Highgate Pictures

Production Type:

  • Independent
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