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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

Episode List: Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

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Date Episode # Title  (↑) Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
11/17/2021 02-001  Beg Your Pardon  Netflix       
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11/17/2021 02-003  Bounty Hunting  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-002  Cult of Personality  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-007  Dethroned  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-005  Make America Exotic Again  Netflix       
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04/12/2020 Special  Murder, Mayhem and Madness  Netflix      4.6 
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03/20/2020 01-001  Not Your Average Joe  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-004  Playing with Fire  Netflix       
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11/17/2021 02-005  Stark Raving Mad  Netflix       
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11/17/2021 02-002  The Carole Diaries  Netflix       
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11/17/2021 02-004  The Lyin' King  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-006  The Noble Thing to Do  Netflix       
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03/20/2020 01-003  The Secret  Netflix       
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