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30 Rock

Episode List: 30 Rock

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Date Episode # Title Network  (↑) Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
12/06/2012   My Whole Life Is Thunder  NBC  2.3  3.2 
04/05/2012   Nothing Left to Lose  NBC  1.8  2.8 
03/29/2012   The Shower Principle  NBC  2.1  3.1 
03/22/2012   Kidnapped by Danger  NBC  2.1  3.4 
03/22/2012   Grandmentor  NBC  2.1  3.3 
03/15/2012   St. Patrick's Day  NBC  2.4 
03/08/2012   Standards and Practices  NBC  2.2  3.4 
03/01/2012   Alexis Goodlooking and the Case of the Missing Whisky  NBC  2.5  3.8 
02/23/2012   Leap Day  NBC  2.4  3.7 
02/16/2012   The Tuxedo Begins  NBC  2.4  3.6 
02/09/2012   Hey, Baby, What's Wrong  NBC  2.6  3.9 
04/12/2012   Meet the Woggels!  NBC  1.8 
04/19/2012   Murphy Brown Lied to Us  NBC  1.9  3.1 
04/26/2012   Live from Studio 6H  NBC  2.2  3.5 
11/29/2012   Mazel Tov, Dummies!  NBC  2.4  3.6 
11/15/2012   Aunt Phatso vs. Jack Donaghy  NBC  2.2  3.3 
10/31/2012   There's No 'I' in America  NBC  2.2  3.4 
10/25/2012   Unwindulax  NBC  2.2  3.1 
10/18/2012   Stride of Pride  NBC  2.1 
10/11/2012     NBC  2.3  3.44 
10/04/2012 07-001  The Beginning of the End  NBC  2.4  3.5 
05/17/2012   What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?  NBC  1.8  2.8 
05/10/2012   The Return of Avery Jessup  NBC  1.8  2.9 
05/03/2012   Queen of Jordan 2: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper  NBC  1.9 
02/02/2012   Today You Are a Man  NBC  2.2  3.2 
01/26/2012   The Ballad of Kenneth Parcell  NBC  2.5 
01/26/2012   Idiots Are People Three!  NBC  2.5  3.8 
01/20/2011   Mrs. Donaghy  NBC  3.1  5.3 
12/09/2010   Christmas Attack Zone  NBC  2.9  4.8 
12/02/2010   Chain Reaction of Mental Anguish  NBC  3.1 
11/18/2010   College  NBC  3.1  5.1 
11/11/2010   Brooklyn Without Limits  NBC  3.1  5.1 
11/04/2010   Gentleman's Intermission  NBC  3.3  5.3 
10/21/2010   Reaganing  NBC  3.2  5.2 
10/14/2010   Live Show  NBC  6.7 
10/07/2010   Let's Stay Together  NBC   
09/30/2010   When It Rains, It Pours  NBC  3.3  5.7 
01/27/2011   Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning  NBC  2.9  4.9 
02/03/2011   Que Sorpesa!  NBC  2.8  4.8 
02/10/2011   Double-Edged Sword  NBC  2.8  4.6 
01/19/2012   Idiots Are People Two!  NBC  2.6  4.1 
01/12/2012 06-001  Dance Like Nobody's Watching  NBC  2.9  4.5 
05/05/2011   Respawn  NBC  2.6  4.2 
04/28/2011   Everything Sunny All the Time Always  NBC  2.4 
04/21/2011   100 (Part 1 of 2); 100 (Part 2 of 2)  NBC  2.7  4.6 
04/14/2011   I Heart Connecticut  NBC  2.7  4.4 
03/24/2011   Plan B  NBC  2.7  4.4 
03/17/2011   Queen of Jordan  NBC  2.7  4.2 
02/24/2011   TGS Hates Women  NBC  2.7  4.5 
02/17/2011   It's Never Too Late for Now  NBC  2.5  4.1 
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