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Episode List: Switch

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Date Episode # Title  (↓) Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
07/10/2024   Your Fan Club is Waiting  GSN       
07/04/2024   You're All Hoity Toity  GSN       
04/16/2024   Write That One Down  GSN       
02/22/2023   Woman of Fairyland  GSN       
03/22/2023   Whose House Is This?  GSN       
02/08/2023   Who's Number 1?  GSN       
02/16/2023   Who's Da Man?  GSN       
11/07/2023   Who Doesn't Like a Nice Lei?  GSN       
06/18/2024   When in Doubt, Pick the Middle  GSN       
06/03/2024   What Up, Matt?  GSN       
04/11/2024   What the Fork Is Going On?  GSN       
10/18/2023   We Should Call Someone  GSN       
03/15/2023   We Love You, Carol!  GSN       
06/12/2024   We Don't Talk About the Tooth Fairy  GSN       
05/08/2024   We All Want to See the Sausages  GSN       
07/01/2024   Way to Stay Weird!  GSN       
03/01/2023   Two Dots Over the E  GSN       
04/25/2023   Turn that Frown Upside Down  GSN       
11/01/2023   Try to Contain Yourself  GSN       
04/11/2023   Top of the Mountain  GSN       
03/02/2023   Tink, Tink, Tink  GSN       
07/08/2024   Time to Make a Move, Boo  GSN       
05/04/2023   Those Eyes  GSN       
05/30/2024   This Ain't My First Rodeo  GSN       
05/22/2024   The World Loves a Comeback  GSN       
09/19/2023   The Periodic Table Is My Jam  GSN       
10/03/2023   The Izzy  GSN       
02/09/2023   The Holy Grail of Rights  GSN       
11/13/2023   The Creepy Puffin  GSN       
04/23/2024   The Color Is Orange!  GSN       
03/13/2023   The Biggest Fan  GSN       
02/20/2023   The Bean Is the Thing  GSN       
10/04/2023   The 80's Were a Blur  GSN       
10/05/2023   That's a Whole Other Show  GSN       
09/18/2023 02-001  That Was Them, This Is Me  GSN       
05/09/2024   Thank You, Mrs. Flory!  GSN       
11/06/2023   Thank You, Hulk Hogan  GSN       
05/01/2023   Thank You, Cousin!  GSN       
07/09/2024   Swoosh a Lil Something  GSN       
04/30/2024   Sweep the Leg  GSN       
05/07/2024   Sweep the Leg  GSN       
03/23/2023   Straight Up Yolo  GSN       
05/03/2023   Stomping, Dancing, Clapping  GSN       
05/16/2024   Still Water Runs Deep  GSN       
10/02/2023   Sparklemuffin  GSN       
02/07/2023   Spanglish Frog  GSN       
03/08/2023   Spaghetti Fanatic  GSN       
03/16/2023   Space Probe Dance  GSN       
07/11/2024   Sounds Easy Enough  GSN       
04/25/2024   So Much to Unpack There  GSN       
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