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PJ Masks

Episode List: PJ Masks

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share  (↑) Viewers Watch/Purchase
11/18/2022   Luna's Moon Attack; Luna's Moon Attack Part II  Disney Jr       
02/18/2022   A Percival Problem; Luna Girl's Sleepover  Disney Jr       
01/07/2022   The Camping Trip; Pondweed Party  Disney Jr       
11/12/2021   Catboy's Magic Trick; Gekko the Croc  Disney Jr       
09/24/2021   Orticia Blooms; Orticia and the Pumpkins  Disney Jr       
09/17/2021   Tenny Weeny to the Rescue; Invisble Munki-Gu  Disney Jr       
09/10/2021   Octobella Strikes Again; Octobella on the Loose  Disney Jr       
09/03/2021   Baddie Bots; Newtons and the Animals  Disney Jr       
08/27/2021   Newton the Destructor; Luna Kazoomer  Disney Jr       
04/08/2022   Midnight Snack Attack; Voyage of the Golden Asteroid  Disney Jr       
04/15/2022   Carla and Cartoka; Carly and Cartoka Part II  Disney Jr       
04/22/2022   PJ Riders; Flashcar in the Sky  Disney Jr       
11/11/2022   Newton's Discovery; Romeo's Pirate Trap  Disney Jr       
10/21/2022   Heroes of the Road  Disney Jr       
09/25/2022   Trick or Treat (Part 1); Trick or Treat (Part 2)  Disney Jr       
09/16/2022   Moon Marooned; Newton and the Star Splat  Disney Jr       
09/09/2022   Slow and Sneaky; The PJ Riders Save the Day  Disney Jr       
08/26/2022   The Power of Mystery Mountain; The Power of Mystery Mountain Part II  Disney Jr       
06/17/2022   Crash Track Trick; Gekko's Speedy Lizard  Disney Jr       
05/06/2022   Luna's Mega Moth; Captain Pirate Robot  Disney Jr       
08/20/2021   Luna Goes Too Far; Owly Tricks  Disney Jr       
08/13/2021   Ninja Power Up; Ninja Power Up Part II  Disney Jr       
05/03/2019   Way of the Woofy; Werejalinos  Disney       
04/26/2019   Armadylan and Robette Rule; Armadylan Zen  Disney       
04/19/2019   Moon Madness  Disney       
03/22/2019   Easter Wolfies; Luna & the Wolfies  Disney       
02/22/2019   RomeoCoaster; Flight of the Ninja  Disney       
11/16/2018   PJ Dylan; Armadylan'd and Dangerous  Disney       
11/02/2018   The Wolfy Plan; The Lizard Theft  Disney       
09/18/2015   Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip; Gekko and the Pogo Dozer  Disney       
05/10/2019   Gekko and the Opposite Ray; PJ Masks Vs. Bad Guys United  Disney       
07/08/2022   Night Ninja's School of Ninja Naughtiness; The Jolly Ninjalino  Disney       
11/30/2020   Star Buddies; To the Moon and Back  Disney Jr       
06/07/2021   Bubbles of Badness (Part 1); Bubbles of Badness (Part 2)  Disney Jr       
05/31/2021   Pharaoh and the Ninjalinos; Pharaoh's Boomerangs  Disney Jr       
03/29/2021   Catboy's Cat; Mad with Moon Power  Disney Jr       
03/22/2021   The Mysterious Masks; Battle of the Fangs  Disney Jr       
03/08/2021   Pharaoh Boy; By My Pharaoh Feathers  Disney Jr       
02/22/2021   Monkey Chatter; The Secret of Monkey Goodness  Disney Jr       
01/25/2021   Teeny Weeny Returns; Robo-Wolf  Disney Jr       
12/07/2020   Magnet in the Moat; Motsuki Bugs Out  Disney Jr       
09/18/2015 01-001  Blame It on the Train, Owlette; Catboy's Cloudy Crisis  Disney