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Episode List: Farzar

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating  (↑) Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
07/15/2022 01-001  Welcome to Farzar  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-009  Memory Wars  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-008  The Great and Powerful Ozner  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-007  Baz, Bangs, and Brains  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-006  Flammily Reunion  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-005  The Adventures of Daddy O'Baggins  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-004  St. Pudchuggers Day  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-003  Save the Reaper Demons  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-002  Robot Revolution  Netflix       
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07/15/2022 01-010  War and Peace  Netflix       
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