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Episode List: Disenchantment

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Date Episode # Title  (↑) Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
08/17/2018 01-001  A Princess, an Elf, and a Demon Walk Into a Bar  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-007  Bad Moon Rising  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-010  Bean Falls Apart  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-010  Bean Falls Down  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-003  Beanie Get Your Gun  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-004  Castle Party Massacre  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-009  Darkness Falls  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-010  Dreamland Falls  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-003  Electric Ladyland  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-005  Faster, Princess! Kill! Kill!  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-002  Fish Out of Water  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-002  For Whom the Pig Oinks  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-005  Freak Out!  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-007  Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-010  Goodbye Bean  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-004  Goon Baby Goon  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-001  Heads or Tails  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-008  Hey, Pig Spender  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-004  I Hear Your Noggin, But You Can't Come In  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-008  In Her Own Write  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-006  Last Splash  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-001  Love Is Hell  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-007  Love's Slimy Embrace  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-007  Love's Tender Rampage  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-005  Our Bodies, Our Elves  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-008  Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-002  Stairway to Hell  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-004  Steamland Confidential  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-001  Subterranean Homesick Blues  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-006  Swamp and Circumstance  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-008  The Battle of Falling Water  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-003  The Cabinet of Dr. Chazzzzz  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-001  The Disenchantress  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-006  The Dreamland Job  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-009  The Electric Princess  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-009  The Goo-Bye Girl  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-002  The Good, The Bad, and the Bum-Bum  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-008  The Limits of Immortality  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-004  The Lonely Heart Is a Hunter  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-009  The Madness of King Zog  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-005  The Pitter-Patter of Little Feet  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-003  The Princess of Darkness  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-006  The Stience of Homemade Lightning  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-007  The Unbearable Lightning of Bean  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-003  The Very Thing  Netflix       
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09/20/2019 02-010  Tiabeanie Falls  Netflix       
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08/17/2018 01-009  To Thine Own Elf Be True  Netflix       
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02/09/2022 04-006  What to Expect When You're Expecting Parasites  Netflix       
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09/01/2023 05-005  Who Shot Elfo?  Netflix       
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01/15/2021 03-002  You're the Bean  Netflix       
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