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Chicago Med

Episode List: Chicago Med

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating  (↑) Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
03/25/2020   In the Name of Love  NBC       
04/08/2020   Just a River in Egypt  NBC       
04/15/2020   A Needle in the Heart  NBC       
11/11/2020 06-001  When Did We Begin to Change  NBC       
11/18/2020   Those Things Hidden in Plain Sight  NBC       
01/13/2021   Do You Know the Way Home?  NBC       
01/27/2021   In Search of Forgiveness, Not Permission  NBC       
02/03/2021   When Your Heart Rules Your Head  NBC       
02/10/2021   Don't Want to Face This Now  NBC       
02/17/2021   Better Is the Enemy of Good  NBC       
03/10/2021   Fathers and Mothers, Daughters and Sons  NBC       
03/17/2021   For the Want of a Nail  NBC       
03/31/2021   So Many Things We've Kept Buried  NBC       
04/07/2021   Letting Go Only to Come Together  NBC       
04/21/2021   Some Things Are Worth the Risk  NBC       
05/05/2021   What a Tangled Web We Weave  NBC       
05/12/2021   A Red Pill, a Blue Pill  NBC       
05/19/2021   Stories, Secrets, Half-Truths and Lies  NBC       
05/26/2021   I Will Come to Save You  NBC       
09/22/2021 07-001  You Can't Always Trust What You See  NBC       
09/29/2021   To Lean In, or to Let Go  NBC       
10/06/2021   Be the Change You Want to See  NBC       
10/13/2021   Status Quo, aka the Mess We're In  NBC       
10/20/2021   Change Is a Tough Pill to Swallow  NBC       
10/27/2021   When You're a Hammer Everything's a Nail  NBC       
11/03/2021   A Square Peg in a Round Hole  NBC       
11/10/2021   Just as a Snake Sheds Its Skin  NBC       
12/08/2021   Secret Santa Has a Gift for You  NBC       
01/05/2022   No Good Deed Goes Unpunished ... in Chicago  NBC       
01/12/2022   The Things We Thought We Left Behind  NBC       
01/19/2022   What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You  NBC       
02/23/2022   Reality Leaves a Lot to the Imagination  NBC       
03/02/2022   All the Things That Could Have Been  NBC       
03/09/2022   Things Meant to Be Bent Not Broken  NBC       
03/16/2022   May Your Choices Reflect Hope, Not Fear  NBC       
04/06/2022   If You Love Someone, Set Them Free  NBC       
04/13/2022   Judge Not, for You Will Be Judged  NBC       
04/20/2022   Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes  NBC       
05/11/2022   End of the Day, Anything Can Happen  NBC       
05/18/2022   Lying Doesn't Protect You from the Truth  NBC       
05/25/2022   And Now We Come to the End  NBC       
09/21/2022 08-001  How Do You Begin to Count the Losses  NBC       
09/28/2022   (Caught Between) The Wrecking Ball and the Butterfly  NBC       
10/05/2022   Winning the Battle, But Still Losing the War  NBC       
10/12/2022   The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Teacher  NBC       
10/19/2022   Yep, This Is the World We Live In  NBC       
11/02/2022   Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This  NBC       
11/09/2022   The Clothes Make the Man...Or Do They?  NBC       
11/16/2022   Everyone's Fighting a Battle You Know Nothing About  NBC       
12/07/2022   This Could Be the Start of Something New  NBC       
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