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Episode List: Celebrity

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating  (↑) Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
06/30/2023 01-001  #get_famous  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-011  #but_she's_dead  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-010  #get_your_popcorn_ready  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-009  #truth_wins #spill_the_tea  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-008  #hierarchy #the_world_we_live_in  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-007  #what_a_hotmess #turn_the_tables  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-006  #sorrynotsorry #life_is_unfair  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-005  #pandoras_box #the_world_they_live_in  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-004  #lets_connect  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-003  #likes  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-002  #following, follower  Netflix       
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06/30/2023 01-012  #nowhere #but_everywhere #like_you_and_me  Netflix       
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