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ABC Afterschool Special

Episode List: ABC Afterschool Special

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
02/13/1980   The Heartbreak Winner  ABC       
03/05/1980   Where Do Teenagers Come From?  ABC       
03/19/1980   What Are Friends For?  ABC       
09/24/1980   A Family of Strangers  ABC       
10/29/1980   The Gymnast  ABC       
11/12/1980   Stoned  ABC       
02/11/1981   A Matter of Time  ABC       
03/14/1981   Run, Don't Walk  ABC       
03/18/1981   My Mother Was Never a Kid  ABC       
09/20/1981   Please Don't Hit Me, Mom  ABC       
09/23/1981   She Drinks a Little  ABC       
10/04/1981   The Wave  ABC       
10/14/1981   Starstruck  ABC       
10/28/1981   Tough Girl  ABC       
11/11/1981   The Color of Friendship  ABC       
02/10/1982   The Unforgivable Secret  ABC       
03/03/1982   Daddy, I'm Their Mama Now  ABC       
09/22/1982   Amy and the Angel  ABC       
10/13/1982   Sometimes I Don't Love My Mother  ABC       
10/27/1982   Between Two Loves  ABC       
11/10/1982   A Very Delicate Matter  ABC       
02/09/1983   The Woman Who Willed a Miracle  ABC       
03/02/1983   But It's Not My Fault!  ABC       
03/16/1983   Have You Ever Been Ashamed of Your Parents?  ABC       
09/21/1983   It's No Crush, I'm in Love  ABC       
10/05/1983   The Hand-Me-Down Kid  ABC       
11/09/1983   The Celebrity and the Arcade Kid  ABC       
12/07/1983   Andrea's Story: A Hitchhiking Tragedy  ABC       
01/09/1984   The Hero Who Couldn't Read  ABC       
02/08/1984   The Great Love Experiment  ABC       
03/07/1984   Backwards: The Riddle of Dyslexia  ABC       
09/19/1984   Summer Switch  ABC       
10/10/1984   Out of Step  ABC       
10/23/1984   One Too Many  ABC       
10/28/1984   The Almost Royal Family  ABC       
11/14/1984   Mom's on Strike  ABC       
02/13/1985   I Want to Go Home  ABC       
03/06/1985   First the Egg  ABC       
09/11/1985   No Greater Gift  ABC       
10/09/1985   Cindy Eller: A Modern Fairy Tale  ABC       
11/06/1985   Don't Touch  ABC       
02/12/1986   Can a Guy Say No?  ABC       
03/05/1986   Are You My Mother?  ABC       
03/19/1986   Getting Even: A Wimp's Revenge  ABC       
09/17/1986   A Desperate Exit  ABC       
10/01/1986   Wanted: The Perfect Guy  ABC       
10/22/1986   Teen Father  ABC       
11/19/1986   The Gift of Amazing Grace  ABC       
02/18/1987   Supermom's Daughter  ABC       
03/04/1987   Divorced Kids' Blues  ABC