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EXCLUSIVE Interview with India de Beaufort from JANE BY DESIGN

Mike Vicic - June 5, 2012




India de Beaufort, who portrays the villainous India Jourdain on JANE BY DESIGN, spoke with TV Tango, and discussed what's next for her character on JANE, dished about her own fledgling career as a fashion designer, revealed the behind-scenes game that ended with Teri Hatcher's head photoshopped on Big Bird's body, and  talked about her fave fashion moments, designers and red carpet experiences.



Tonight, June 5th, at 9pm ET, ABC Family presents the summer premiere of JANE BY DESIGN, which returns with the rest of Season 1. In the mid-season finale, India was let go from Donovan Decker. Now, who will fill her fashionable shoes at DD, and how will India try to get her revenge?


TV Tango: When people ask you about your character on JANE BY DESIGN, how do you describe her?

India de Beaufort: I generally describe her as ambitious, fiery, but also vulnerable at the same time. I think she's definitely the villain character, but I like to think there's more to her than just being the basic bad girl.


TV Tango: What was it like playing the scheming villain bitch?

India de Beaufort: You know, it's kind of fun because you get to yell at people all day, [laughing] and say things you don't normally get to say. Do things, like slam books on people and push people out of the way. There's something liberating about that in a funny way -- because the people you're doing it to obviously know you're not being mean.

But at the same time, I try to keep things interesting for myself. I like to feel challenged; so I'm always trying not to play her too one-note. I always find myself throwing in bits and moments to give her the levels to make it more interesting and give her more to do. I enjoy playing the other elements of her as much as the villain.


TV Tango: What do you think when you read comments about your character, like "Sometimes I found myself cheering for her and other times I was hoping she'd 'get hers'"?

India de Beaufort: [Laughs] That sounds about right.


I'm thrilled. Obviously, whatever character you play, you hope that someone out there will root for your character -- even when you know you're playing the villain.


That makes me very happy.

TV Tango: When did you realize your character would be tabbed as the mole and likely be fired?

India de Beaufort: I think I always knew that she had to get her's at some point. She'd been so naughty throughout the season, and at some point there has to be some kind of return for that. I knew something was coming, and the writers were pretty open with what's headed for you; so I did know I was getting fired for a while, but I also always knew I was coming back -- you will see me pretty early on in the next episodes.


You know, I got a great ending to mid-season finale and an amazing moment when I got to walk out of Donovan Decker. It was a really fun piece of writing for me.

TV Tango: How did you think Donovan Decker would change when you first read they were letting your character go?

India de Beaufort: I knew that there would be some kind of change. Obviously, if my position is empty, that would have to be filled. That would be an obvious one.


Gray is still there. Jeremy is still there. The basics that make up the office remain. Hopefully, it won't be too big of a change.

TV Tango: When JANE BY DESIGN returns, are we skipping forward in time?

India de Beaufort: I think we're skipping forward by a couple of months. 


TV Tango: By that time, can we assume that you are gainfully employed somewhere else?

India de Beaufort: I may be; I may not be. You'll have to check in and find out, but you won't have to wait long.

TV Tango: When your character does eventually find a new job, is she seeking professional revenge, personal revenge or professional redemption?

India de Beaufort: Probably all three. She's not one who takes things lightly in life, and she'll definitely be coming back with a healthy appetite for revenge -- in all areas.


TV Tango: Against the firm or just Jane?

India de Beaufort: I think against everybody. India [the character] doesn't really take into individual's consideration; she's out to take everybody down -- all at once. She generally makes that her mission in life to get ahead; she'll definitely be coming back with some fire.

I hope that she maintains the ability to be liked. I hope she gets what she wants, but she's a villain --it has to not go her way; otherwise, good would not prevail against evil. I can only hope that what does happen to her is fun for me to play. In the end, the show is all about Jane, and we're all rooting for Jane to prevail. And for Jane, being the good egg would mean that she would hopefully come out on top.

TV Tango: Did you get to work with Teri Hatcher in the next batch of episodes yet?

India de Beaufort: I haven't. I shot one scene with her -- as she exited the scene, I entered. Briefly, we were in the same scene, but we have not shot scenes together.


I did get a chance to hang out with her on set, and she's really lovely, funny and grounded. We have a running joke on the show where every week before the table read, Alex in the office sends out an email to everyone with a game attached to the end of the email. You get to guess what film the line came from. If you get it right, you get your face photoshopped onto something of your choice.

Matt Atkinson won the first one -- the movie was YOU'VE GOT MAIL -- and he had his head photoshopped onto the poster of YOU'VE GOT MAIL. Teri won the next one, and chose to have her head photoshopped onto Big Bird. She's game for a laugh. She was thrilled to win, and thrilled with her picture. She's been a really welcome member of the cast.


TV Tango: Have you filmed the episode with Teri as director?

India de Beaufort: We have not [as of late May 2012]. I do not know if that will be this season or next season. I don't know when that's going to be. We'll have to wait and see. 

India's crazy-cut, one-piece swimsuit was featured as a Trend Alert earlier this year.

TV Tango: ABC Family runs a recurring blog with trend alerts for JANE BY DESIGN. For the last half of Season 1, describe a few outfits might we see in upcoming columns?

India de Beaufort: I'm wearing an outfit in an episode we're filming right now, where I get to wear these crazy, kind of thigh-high, flayed boots and a really sweet little skirt and leather jacket. I think ABC Family would pick out oufits out of the norm, and this one definitely is. The boots are so high, I can almost not walk in them. They are crazy.


I've also gotten to wear some Vivienne Westwood that I love and Brian Atwood heels with a Hermes bag. I'm sure that will be featured because it's three well-known designers in one look.


I've gotten to wear a lot of fun stuff that no doubt will be featured on there, and I've seen Erica [Dasher, who plays Jane] in some really amazing outfits this season, too. I think there'll be a mix of all of the characters.

India arriving at Fashion Week.

TV Tango: Have any of your own designs been featured on JANE BY DESIGN?

India de Beaufort: Yes! [in an excited shout] They have!


I trained in fashion at East College from [ages] 16-18, and just learned enough to get by -- to know how to sew and make patterns and do the technical work.


So in my later years, I am now making pieces on a regular basis, and I wore a couple of pieces to Fashion Week. And I met with Teen Vogue, who told me if I made a few more pieces and got one on the show, then they would love to do a feature about me on That was beyond exciting for me.


I can never say no; so I was like "All right. I better get working."

I had a little time between Fashion Week and starting up on JANE again; so I made four pieces and I submitted all four to the show and one of them got approved. I wear it in episode three, which airs Tuesday, June 19th at 9pm ET, and it will also be featured on


I'm thrilled! It was one of the goals that I set for myself, and when all of the pieces came together, I couldn't have been happier.


Wearing it, the moment I walked on set and I looked around -- with everybody moving around equipment and the gaffe's setting up -- and I was standing there in something that I made on a TV show that I'm proud to be on. This was the moment when two of my loves combined, and it was really exciting.


TV Tango: Just how big was the smile on your face at that moment?

India de Beaufort: Enormous. It couldn't have been bigger!

TV Tango: Are you going to unveil new original pieces in any upcoming fashion shows?

India de Beaufort: I probably will continue to wear pieces if I go to Fashion Week in September. I'll probably wear a couple of pieces there. I'll probably wear pieces to events. Hopefully, if JANE gets picked up [for Season 2], I'll get another piece on the next season. That will be great.


I will be forever wearing things that I made or altered or messed around with. There will be more from me, for sure.

TV Tango: It sounds like you wear a lot of your own pieces when you attend red carpet events. True?

India de Beaufort: Mostly to red carpet events, I've worn vintage pieces or outfits that I found and loved. And occasionally, people will send me things to wear, which always works out great for me because I end up getting to be adventurous, wearing things I wouldn't necessarily pick off a rack -- then you put it on and it looks totally different. 


For my pieces, I've worn them a couple of times. I haven't worn them as much as I'd like to yet, but I think it's more of a time constraint. Taking the time to make things, you need to have a few months in advance when you have a schedule like mine.

TV Tango: When you say people send you pieces, do you mean fashion houses?

India de Beaufort: Fashion houses on occasion will lend you a dress. They'll get in touch with you and lend you a dress for an event, and then you get to give it back, which I kind of love because you get to wear this great fashion, but I don't have to break the bank to do it and also you get to be experimental. It's a really fun relationship to have. 

India arriving at a Mont Blanc event.

TV Tango: What's the most expensive piece of jewelry that's been loaned to you?

India de Beaufort: I'm sure I've worn some crazy jewelry on shoot, but I'm mostly lent dresses as opposed to jewelry.


Oh! That's not true! I actually wore a pair of Mont Blanc diamond earrings to the Mont Blanc event, and I have no idea what the cost was. They don't say, "This is worth so-and-so." They just give it to you. But it's safe to say that I was watched carefully. [Laughing.] And I swiftly, and happily, gave them back at the end of it, when I knew I didn't have to be responsible for them anymore. "They're still here. They're all your's. Take them back."

TV Tango: How would you describe your own fashion sense?

India de Beaufort: My personal style is chic, hopefully -- vintage, whimsical, eclectic.


TV Tango: And who's your favorite designer?

India de Beaufort: Vivienne Westwood is one of my all-stars. Louboutin for shoes. But Vivienne Westwood, I just love her combination of period with modern and the effect that that gives.


TV Tango: And favorite fashion show?


TV Tango: Besides JANE BY DESIGN and PROJECT RUNWAY, which TV series on on your DVR?

India de Beaufort: NEW GIRL. And DOWNTON ABBEY -- I saw it for the first time in England and now that I'm here filming JANE, it's nice that I can still watch it on PBS.

TV Tango: If you could portray any TV character in the history of television, which one would you choose and why?

India de Beaufort: [Even before I could finish the question] It's so easy. It would be Carrie [Bradshaw]. She's the most lovable, dorky, deep character. Kind of everyone wants to be her and dress like her and have her wardrobe.


She went through so much in all those seasons of SEX AND THE CITY. She showed so many different sides of her, and she's so imperfect. I just love that. Sometimes I think TV shows make the error of making their characters too ideal, and I love that Carrie was imperfect in every way. She made mistakes, and we made them with her. If I could've played anyone, it would've been her.

TV Tango: Are you looking forward to THE CARRIE DIARIES this Fall?

India de Beaufort: You know, I'm one of those people who I think it's hard for me to transition from SEX AND THE CITY to another show. I'm a little biased, in that part of me wants not to like it because I'm such a diehard SEX AND THE CITY fan. I think that should be left alone [laughing]. But I'm open, and who knows...I might see it and love it. The jury is still out.


TV Tango: Have you seen any of the early photos of her fashion?

India de Beaufort: I have seen a couple of her photos, and I'm so thrilled for AnnaSophia Robb -- she gets to wear such amazing fashion and she's going to have the time of her life. I'm excited for her and to see how that experience will move her career.